Wednesday 30 October 2013

8 Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO ) Starter

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the art of making blog pages more easily found by search engines. When you create content for the blog post , you must at least know the basics of Google. Otherwise, your item may not be found by the most popular search engine in the world.
Most people know that Google is the most popular to date . Search engines like Google use various methods to determine the first page displayed in the search results . The exact formula is a secret , but there are some things you can do to improve the position of the blog page . The term is often called Search Engine Optimization ( SEO). These tips may not be your first blog appears in the search list, but at least it can help your blog rank slowly . Ignore spam and websites that offer to submit your blog to hundreds of search engines. Maybe it's a waste of time and money , and at worst , in fact, the positioning of the blog may be a negative influence .

1. Key phrases , rather than relying on a word , try a few words about keyword phrases to make . You might want to read on a Google search to see how effective key phrases to help in the search. If you 're a blog on finding what key phrases you enter in Google for each page ? In search of a super beautiful widget? Are you looking to improve your blog with a widget ? It may be helpful to have a different perspective . Ask someone to read the page and indicate what they think blogging page key phrases as possible. You can also see Google Trends if one of the following statements is starting to gain popularity . Try to keep one topic per page , and stick to a keyword phrase for each page. That does not mean you have to write the text with a weird stare or phrase . Write with a clear , both are easy to find and easy to read.

2. Keyword Density One of the things I find a catalog of blog sites is to use keyword density or so-called keyword density. In other words, how often keywords appear in each paragraph use . Use natural phrases. Do not try to make the search engines by repeating the same word over and over again or cheat text "invisible". It does not work. In fact, your blog can actually get a penalty from Google. Enter a strong opening point . Use the keyword density to stimulate in the first paragraph of Google. In other words, it is very easy for Google to find your content when you put your keyword density in the first 200 words of the first 200 words or more than the content of your blog can dikatan google is very hard to find and see their content in the search results or even Google is not looking . You can change the density of keywords with the Google Toolbar or a similar instrument .

3. Article Title Lock your blog a name descriptive <title> . This is very important , Google displays search results as the link to use the title of the blog page . A link labeled "Untitled" is not very interesting , and no one will click on it . If necessary , use the keyword phrase in the page title .

4. Links One of the biggest factors for Google to page view is a hyperlink. I see two links . Onto your blog and blog Google looks at the words used in the link to determine the content of the blog page . Use the links on the blog page as a way to emphasize key words. Instead of saying "Click here to learn more about SEO " , then it would be better if you say : If you want to learn more about SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) . The links from blogs and other sites on your blog used to determine the PageRank . You can download the Google Toolbar , SeoQuake , etc. to check the pagerank of your blog today . You and your friends can increase your PageRank by exchanging links blogs or other relevant websites . Banner Exchange ineffective . You can also use the PageRank to your blog appear in the directory criticism. In other words , check the PageRank of the homepage of the directory.

5. Blog Directory Submit your blog to directories or in a special open directories submit , if possible. Google believes that this is an important link directory . However, if successful, will not be very happy. Google, in an effort to combat click fraud , which often filter out websites from link farms or sites with nothing but links to other websites connected . This is one reason why a free service to register your blog could even bother. Directory registration and specialized organizations. You are more likely to help and do not adversely affect the ranking of your blog.

6. Social networking sites Social networking can be a good way to promote the site , but not all of them directly affect the ranking of your blog . Digg and Delicious is a social site that connects to the opportunity to work with the best effect.

7. Keep the contents of the flash
You can lose the flash, but the search engines tend to enjoy reading . Google has acquired read a certain ability to flash , but still limited. If you are in the flash menu , perhaps not even visible. Consider a link with text that is used in addition to or instead of flash. Do not forget to give a picture on your blog with the name <alt> . Not only the blog more accessible than poor eyesight , but is also a blog for another chance to enter the keywords that Google can see it.

8. Design of the excessive luxury design is ultimately stronger for larger trust, but you should consider. Organized is a page that Google tends to rank higher . Also pages to be more popular , which means that Google tend much higher degree . Keep a luxurious design and a lot of SEO experts will develop.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

How to Increase Your Blog Traffic by Fanpage

Many of which I have spoken to increase blog traffic in previous articles by various means. This has been said before last article tips to increase your blog traffic right in my last article about blog traffic on Facebook. No, I told you increase traffic to your blog , one of them with a fan page. So now seeking discuss how far we have to be on the fan page to drive traffic sources . I am sure that every blogger should already have a good fan page is already installed on your blog or incorrectly installed. Given the fan page , instead of just on the screen or decoration would be better if the blog has in such a way that the content of the blog will be treated as a positive impact on the development blog that we use it to maximize . Below are some simple tips to drive traffic to the fan page for you to increase your blog traffic . First, if you have fast niche blog topic a fan page fan page. If've never a fan page on Google can be found , I am sure that many blogs , how to provide a guide to create a fan page . After ready Fanpage unused invite all friends or subscribe to your fan page . Second, if you do not have a blog network you just created the account and connect it to your fan page . Then later automatically without the need to manually share your posted messages appear in fan page and is so efficient , without doing it manually to share the items one by one . On the fan page , you will be able to progress your blog traffic from your fan page was created to monitor . To cope with the fan does not have to be active in order to gain more traffic to your blog , let the traffic flow by itself and I think it is difficult. So little tips that I can say is , could be the next step in order to search for the design and analysis to optimize the development of the course and the next blog.

Tips to Increase Your Blog Traffic on Facebook

Facebook is a social network is most popular in the world of Internet media . Facebook users are very well all the good you have a Facebook account age children, adolescents and parents. Social network Facebook has the type of personality of a person , so there are a lot of friends that you can meet . Everyone needs information, and Facebook can help you drive and what they're looking to use the information for the address to use the links . If we have someone who does not have a lot of different criteria , as we have in the sense that both the blogging activities can be used to bring a " little traffic to your blog . Here are some tips to increase your traffic blog with Facebook, in an attempt to attract visitors and they want to the blog.

1st full profile information Consider your goals to create a Facebook profile. If you use it as a tool to drive traffic to your blog you must make sure that your profile contains the information carrying capacity in transport include a link to your blog. be careful with photos, videos and personal information that you post on Facebook. , Facebook as a tool to drive traffic to your blog you should have a lot of friends on Facebook.

2nd Expand friends use the search tool to find people on Facebook , you can use the name, school , society , etc. Look . If there are people who meet the criteria are and would be interested in the content of your blog , send a friend request.

3rd create a group can create a Facebook group and invite people or to participate with friends. , but if it takes a long time to load a lot of people , you can take effective measures to try the group around the topic of your blog and then click the group, then active in the discussions held in the group.

4th Creating fans Pages features Facebook page is a great way to find a network with people on Facebook. fans page can create a page , then find the largest possible number of people to his fans page . , you can be in direct contact with many people and will continue to update the status to add information of interest and maintaining conversations and discussions involved .

5th Connect your Facebook profile to other accounts , there are many tools available to help you make a great Facebook profile or page that you can transport directly or indirectly drive to your blog . Take time to link your Facebook account with other social networks like Twitter , blogs, networks , etc.. advance But first make sure that your blog has been associated with social networks , so that when a new item will be posted to your blog automatically appear on social network connected .

6th Activa is your efforts to drive traffic to your blog can run smoothly to order , it is necessary to actively update status , share content and talk . Through spend time with your friends and increase building a relationship indirectly on facebook blog traffic .

7th NOTE The environment is not only the time to update your profile and share your content. , but also take the time to learn about the situation of the other comment and engage in conversation , share other people's content , and so on .

8th handling Facebook campaign Facebook has properties that lead to an individual , not leaning over LinkedIn in the direction of the company . caution in making advertising campaign on Facebook be exercised , because all too often, are taken into account by others. then you can go around the state and the mix between promotion and entertainment.

Sunday 27 October 2013

35 Million Deaths Per Year! Cocaine? Cigarettes? Drugs? No, White Sugar!

Refined sugar is one of the main accused the appearance of persons who are defined as diseases of affluence: diabetes, obesity, problems with metabolism, high blood pressure and liver damage. According to recent studies refined sugar would be considered among the causes into consideration that each year the deaths of 35 million people, particularly in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Use and abuse of harmful food and consumer goods in our diet
The presence of sugar is 14% in the drum 17:20% in sugar beet and chlorophyll, trace elements and minerals. At this concentration and composition, sugar is a food of high nutritional value because it contains many nutrients in organic form necessary for life.

The food that we eat, as modified by sweets, candy, commercial beverages, canned food, alcohol, salt, etc., is the end product of a long industrial processing (about 9 washes chemicals!) What kills and removes many nutrients, such as vitamins actually in sugar beet or sugar cane.

Sugar are important foods in our diet, because it requires the most important source for the production of energy through the body and are, therefore, must be complete with everything nature intended for them to get into our bodies, their wealth.

Why white sugar, it is a harmful substance ?
The scientist Dr. M.O. Bruchner , a specialist in internal medicine, hospital director Eben Ezer , LemgoLippe , ( Germany ) , according to several scientific claims that man needs carbohydrates " sugar " for his work as important as energy factors . As a result you think sugar is one of the best foods for energy , together with other sugars derived from white flour, such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Industrial sugar and white flour as well as glucose, fructose , aspartame , sucrose synthesis, for example , act very differently in the body.
For their decomposition and disposal require the same vitamins , minerals and enzymes , like all natural fruit sugar and starch , but the latter at the same time them , while the other body ( to steal towards fish in the bones, cartilage , tendons, structures , etc ..) . Impoverishment of a page and other confusing features . Unfortunately , science has always wanted to see through this problem, which is the basis for many an inflammatory autoimmune diseases.
Where is the sugar destroyed , is the drug that repair the effects of the treatment of diabetes, cholesterol , pancreatitis , hyperglycemia, and tries so on. The usual consumption of white sugar destroys most of the vitamins of group B. Vitamin B1 , on the other hand is responsible for the absorption of carbohydrates .
vitamin B
The more sugar is introduced , the greater the requirement of vitamin B1, since it removes what :
Injuries to nerve tissue , given the high demand for vitamin B1, they lose their ability to work very early.
Vitamin B1 allowed , in the presence of magnesium, which is so important lactic acid decomposition ( degradation product of glycogen [ stored glucose ] ) . When the deficiency of vitamin B1 content of these acids in the blood and increased tissue and the brain mainly involved l'' activity and heart rate.
The B1 regulates the fair exchange of insulin in the body. Its deficiency is a cause of diabetes.
( Remember that the phosphorus is a very important mineral for many metabolic processes ) the absence of B1, also a change in the phosphorous economy and an inadequate reaction of glucose that occurs with chronic heart disease.
The B1 , controls the exchange of albumin ( plasma protein produced by the liver , such that regulates cell fluid and the various pressures within the cell) and cell nuclei. Its presence reduces the precursors of uric acid prevents degenerative diseases such as gout , arthritis , etc..
The absence of B1 due to abnormalities in blood pressure, and perspiration.
, The power to stop the ' arteriosclerosis - B1 for the synthesis of essential fatty acids (omega 6, the famous Omega 3 ) is required.
The B1 deficiency causes abnormalities in the formation of hydrochloric acid (produced for digestion ) in the stomach, weakness and degeneration of the intestinal muscles and also the degeneration of the capillary blood vessels, causing the expansion and bleeding.
The lack of B1 makes you feel the need for stimulants like alcohol, meat, coffee , tea, chocolate , tobacco, since it determines the weakening of the stimulating effect of adrenaline.
These are caused by a lack of vitamin B1, only the most serious effects .
Often deficiency states, such as metabolic problems associated with the decline in immune function , nutritionist, integrated power supply with vitamins of the "B" group , but not recommend the patient to " abolish " white sugar and limit the " use of white flour , as I said the obese continue to eat as usual, but with the exception of putting saccharin in coffee or recommend the ' aspirinetta or other "as the carotid Doppler " for heart disease that eats large amounts of food every day and maybe die!
But there's more ... The lack of vitamin "B" due to disturbances in the assimilation of sugar , seizures, and also prevents the formation of red blood cells , such as iron compounds occur abuse. The eyes are color blind and lose the visual power in the twilight, the normal development of the fetus is often hampered , leading to deformities, shortened long bones of the arms and legs , jaw, fusion of fingers and ribs , cracks in the palate and even miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths .
We consider what it can still sugar destroyer promote nicotinic acid , another member of the group of B vitamins helps oxidation , ie combustion and decomposition of the intermediates of sugar metabolism . It is also an aid in the use of fat and protein in the processing of minerals and hormones, and participate in a decisive way on the cellular respiration , namely the exchange of oxygen uptake and excretion of carbonic acid in the cells (a product of cellular metabolism ) .
Fatigue, insomnia, neurasthenia , depression, headaches , insomnia, sweating slightly , cramps and numbness in the extremities , weakness : Even as harmful to the " habitual use of white sugar to various pathological stories added below are muscle , anorexia or bulimia ( insatiable appetite ) , constipation , gastric and intestinal atony , lack of stomach acid , heartburn , dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) , metrorrhagia ( bleeding of uterine origin), miscarriages and premature births, disorders of the heart and circulation , anemia , glandular dysfunction , itching , inflammation of the tongue, gums and throat . etc. .
Refined sugar robs us of pantothenic acid also part of the group "B"

His absence also blocks the " effect of other vitamins and hinders the proper regeneration of the blood and mucous pantothenic acid also acts as a liver - . Tonic (liver protection ) and helps the thyroid function Burning in the feet and soles of the feet , with pains passengers lightning. lower extremities, in conjunction with redness or bluish skin color, and the formation of dandruff are other symptoms of deficiency of this vitamin. Refined sugar can be used to treat other important vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin e, H, together with others to steal damage caused by these defects.

How to produce white sugar ?
Less than two centuries of white sugar do not exist and the only source of fresh , local honey and fruit , was from raw cane sugar imported from the tropics represented. As a result of the Napoleonic Wars , Europe has ceased to import sugar from America. Napoleon then had the brilliant idea of ​​making sugar from sugar beets. As a product of the extraction unpleasant in taste , the work has a refining process , which, as for white flour, causing the loss of vitamins and minerals , creating a pure chemical substance and dead, but do not complete.
The sugary juice from the first stage of the processing of sugar beets , sugar cane is subjected to complex industrial change : the first is to be cleaned with lime water that causes the loss and destruction of organic matter , proteins, enzymes and salts of calcium, and then , to remove the lime, which has remained on the sugar juice is treated with carbon dioxide.
The product is then subjected to treatment with the more " toxic sulphurous acid to remove the dark color, and then for cooking , cooling , crystallization, and centrifuged. Which brings us to the raw sugar .
From here it goes to the second stage of processing move : sugar is filtered and decolorized with animal charcoal and then to eliminate the last yellowish reflections , is colored with the dye or ultramarine blue with blue idantrene ( from tar and carcinogens ) . The final product is a white crystalline substance that has nothing to do with the rich sugary juice out and sold to the public to sweeten (poison) , much of what we eat.
What is the first dark juice rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, which would give all their positive contribution , energy and health left? Nothing ! In fact, to be digested and assimilated , white sugar steals ( especially calcium and chromium ) to reconstruct at least partially destroyed our bodies vitamins and minerals the harmony of the elements by refining . The consequences of this digestion are the loss of calcium in the bones and teeth, with the weakening of the skeleton and teeth. This promotes the development of bone diseases (arthritis , osteoarthritis , osteoporosis, etc.). Caries and the plague much of the western civilization.
What causes white sugar toxic in the gut ?
At the level of the stomach and duodenum of the pancreas, the daily or almost for the study to finish : Fermentation with gas production and abdominal tension and alteration of the bacterial flora with all the consequences this entails ( colitis, constipation, diarrhea, training and absorption of toxic substances , etc.). .
How do I say? Simple , ask the people to confirm receiving treatment for their food to my style and light that I adopt healthy "sugar" ! So this product is so necessary for good health ?
It has been widely acknowledged that the population not reached by the so-called " white civilization " is not subject to decay or other diseases of the teeth. With the arrival of the whites and their refined foods (sugar, sweets, alcohol , bread, pasta , ...) , the Aborigines in Australia, the Maori of New Zealand, the Indians of Peru and the Amazon, the North American Indians , etc. . have also begun to be subject to the same diseases of the whites , the incidence of dental caries, a disease that was previously completely unknown , they have to hit you up to 100%, as well as other diseases of the body caused by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases , etc etc ..
The dangerous white sugar has a major impact both on the nervous system, both on the metabolism , which first stimulation then depression. In fact , it creates a true form of addiction , as is the case with drugs, to all effects ! This is caused by the fast absorption and severe blood sugar , which is the so-called blood sugar. Faced with this sudden rise , the pancreas responds ( the organ par excellence, the sugar managed) by entering insulin in the blood , and this leads to a sudden drop in blood sugar as "hypo " of a state of discomfort thereby known , sweating, irritability, aggression , weakness need to eat to get back in tone ( the classic was down to warn the addict ) feel . The consequence of this is the case of the sugars into the blood stream of other hormones from the housing acts to compensate for the glucose .
This constant " stress hormone " , with their psycho-physical aspects to a depletion of energy lead to the weakening of the whole organism and the exhaustion of the immune system .
If we eat 50 grams . of white sugar, the phagocytic ability of white blood cells by 76 % (ie, the ability of these organisms to fight infection ) reduced and that the reduction of the immune system takes about 7 hours. The main diseases that mankind today (cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases , etc.). Plagues you passing a weakened immune system , such as white sugar and refined power are certainly responsible for the most. Is the loss of the "poison delicious" knows many others, and at every level, for example , circulation ( with the increase of cholesterol and damage to the arteries ), liver , bowel , weight ( with weight gain and obesity ) , skin etc. . etc. . Suppose , for example , to drink four cups of coffee a day sweetened : 40 g sugar 160 kcal match that we assume as empty calories, devoid of vitamins and minerals. It would be very different if the same 160 kcal form brown rice oat, barley , millet, or if the result would be fiber , enzymes, vitamins and salts are included. When this first hit 40 g of sucrose or add cookies or brioche jam or cereal for breakfast, a glass of a carbonated drink for lunch , a snack or an ice cream or a chocolate croissant in the afternoon, you're done. But do not forget the sauces (ketchup , mayonnaise, cocktail ... ) , canned food (peas , corn ) , aperitifs : hidden and sucrose. If we add to all this sugar, do not overdo it, we go up to 500 calories. This means that of the approximately 2,000 kcal per day , we have to introduce in 1500 represented only by real food , the rest are empty calories , with a shortage of about 25 % of the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.
The modern man , in front of the sugar, but also for fat, takes an attitude almost identical to that of prehistoric man . In ancient times , lived a man constantly in search of food to feed themselves and to find ripe fruit or a honeycomb body was not to be missed to be seen as an opportunity : the face of such delicacies attitude was to make the most , eat his face to gather more energy as possible , in anticipation of lean times . The spirit and the body of a man of twenty-first century do not have much and, filled cakes, changed pastry with cream and chocolate cake we think and behave in exactly the same way : there is in us a burning desire , the birth drives us great bouts in an attempt to make us of shares, as if not to be forgotten in a different time , and never that our pantry is full of the same shit. For those who have eyes to see , ears to hear , and a brain that have to work, this should be enough to make it to reconsider its habits " sweeteners " and their solutions for a better life.

Alternatives to refined sugar : molasses , agave syrup , maple syrup , barley malt, the amasake the Stenia , honey, brown sugar and refined drive.

The Secret of the DNA in an Ancient Minoan Disk

After decades of attempts by archaeologists and scientists , the Phaistos disc finally has its own decoder.

The young researcher Barbara Gagliano , author of the book: " The Phaistos Disc: Key genetic diseases," tells the extraordinary adventure through the work of decoding a precious relic of Minoan origin lived .

To understand the significance of the Phaistos Disc and its mysterious knowledge - says Barbara - we need to delve into the human genome and to try to understand how our DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid ( ie DNA) is formed by two nucleotides , two strings / filaments. In our Phaistos disc , the two strands of a displayed on each page. These two nucleotides in a spiral shape are the material representation of the forces of yin and yang, the masculine and the feminine, which move in opposite polarities . Our ancestors , as if they had used a large magnifying glass , they have photographed the process of meiosis , in which the time of conception , combine the " Information maternal origin and a paternal origin of giving birth to a new creature : A - side of the disc contains the information , maternal, paternal B of the information.

Chromosome to chromosome , our ancestors have passed the secret of life , as we describe the fit of the genes are from the time the two genomic information come together and begin to form the embryo. The code is contained in the record , 23 chromosomes on one side and 23 on the other side . Indeed , the code benefits from 30 genomic fragments that " information describing performed by the father and mother of 31 from this information using the biblical texts and Hebrew , the author was able to understand that the genetic material is greater than in men : This information is in the myth of the rib of Adam and Eve were hidden when we observe in the . indeed , the X and Y chromosomes notice to ' that Adam was a " rib " in the least did ! Our ancestors knew very the secret that lies behind the descent of the spirit in the material world and wanted to pass on this information .

Cytogenetics, representations of human chromosome

In the representation of the disc is not all chromosomes with a code fragment ( fragment to mean enclosed within two temples the icons ) is displayed : many chromosomes are represented by two or more pieces . When this happens, our ancestors are trying to tell us that the chromosome is fragile and can break at this place , when this happens, we will be ourselves in the presence of a "cancellation" , ie the chromosome is broken and the genetic spread of genetic material give birth abnormalities. Our ancestors clearly show where loci it is possible that the deletion occurs and explain what are the diseases that can be caused by the dispersion of this genetic material. Another important thing to understand in order to understand the code , the so-called phenomenon of " crossing over " during the process of meiosis , the chromosomes come together and have the ability to exchange genetic material . If this happens, you will give birth , probably with a genetic disease . This is also explained in the disk : when a chromosome is the symbol that you understand that this is in the chromosome , it has the ability to exchange genetic material with other people, or we can also interpret it as a chance to chromosome " inversion ": The basically , chromosome has a chance to reverse their course !

More and more I delve into the code was surprised and shocked - yet told Barbara - as our ancestors were able to accurately represent genes , cellular particles and molecules.

Thanks to the extraordinary coded message , Barbara was able to genetic diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Down syndrome, achondrogenesis , chronic myeloid leukemia, Burkitt's lymphoma , Autism, Tay- Sachs, and study many other genetic diseases in a brand new light that has nothing to do with the scientific approach used by people of our time.

It 'possible in 2012, that our first parents wanted to happen to understand his message as the year of spiritual awakening of humanity ? It ' possible that by decoding these results one can actually prove that a civilization more advanced than our already existed or visited our planet in ancient times ?

A Wreck Of a Star That Pulsates

The Hubble Telescope shows the remains of a Sun-like star that ejected the material in the last phase of his life. A blue disk of gas and dust and rain, with a central white dwarf key, now feeble and cold, similar in size Terra.Quella in the picture is a star ... or at least what's left of it. Within the planetary nebula NGC 2452 is seen, in fact, was the remains of a star like the sun, the amount of which
, because he finished all his "fuel". , Not eternal stars shine in fact: if the core unstable releases large amounts of energy that burns the atmosphere around the star until it boils down to what we see in the impressive image of the Hubble Telescope, NASA / ESA made. It is in the constellation of Puppis, in the southern hemisphere, and was discovered in 1847 by John Herschel.

In the center of this cloud blue, almost like the haze, let's see what remains of the star, now weak, cold and very dense.In reality there is a button white dwarf , more or less the size of the Earth. This is to mean that its brightness varies by waves caused by gravity , which plays through the little star .

When Herschel discovered NGC 2452 has called " a task that I can not define the nature. Certainly not a star, not a double star [ ...] . Which to mention call a planetary nebula elongated . " In the eyes of the observer at the time of Herschel , the telescopes used are very different from those of today , have planetary nebulae often than gas planets ( like Jupiter , for example) interpreted . Modern telescopes have made ​​it clear that it actually ejects the outer layers of dying stars into space in the final stages of their lives.
Astronomers believe that in 5 billions years, the same fate will befall the sun.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

BMW Z4 2014

The Model 2014 Z4 gets a revised exterior with a new depth , a better detail of the interior , hyper orange new package design, and the availability of a wide range of BMW ConnectedDrive offer all new momentum and a BMW Roadster pay more appeal and individuality. low position to sit directly in front of the rear axle, giving the driver and passengers a very intense longitudinal and transverse forces . onto the rear wheels The hardtop roof assembly also perfectly in the form of a machine. The hardtop roof assembly also perfectly in the form of a machine. Hardtop can be opened with a push of a button while the car is moving at speeds up to 25 mph (40 km / h) in an automated process , which lasted 19 seconds. Four round headlights typical form broad cooperation with the BMW kidney grille , a special interpretation of the roadster signature brand of the face. The standard xenon lamp on the BMW Z4 has a sleek design and also extends into the front wheel arches .

Z4 is equipped with a 2.0 - liter four-cylinder will be offered with six- cylinder engines with 300 hp and two 240 HP ( sDrive35i ) and 335 hp ( sDrive35is ) . In Europe, BMW is offering a base model with 156 hp ( sDrive18i ) Z4 with this engine, a top speed of 137 mph and acceleration
0 - 62mph in just 7.9 seconds..

BMW i8: Luxury Hybrid

Presentation of the BMW i8 at IAA in Frankfurt, the first luxury sports but ecologically.

Norbert Norbert Reithofer, BMW's number one, showcasing the luxury hybrid for public cooperation Frankfurt Motor Show. Further production of the new brand of the German company, called "i".

The i8, design of luxury cars, aluminum frame, and the wings to open the gull has 362 hp the car goes both gasoline and electricity. He sports car performance, but it does not pollute as much as a sport. The battery is a lithium-ion battery and is rechargeable.

Changes from 0 to 100 km / h in 4.6 seconds and covers 37 km with one liter. Internal standards are electronically activated leather, forged aluminum wheels and shock absorbers. Costs? 130,000 and will from next year.

The car wants to be environmentally friendly: it was renewable energy was made with recycled materials and manufacturing processes used.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Get Your Car Ready for Summer

Summer is high season. Get your self ready for summer before it to keep the road open all safe and save you money at the pump.

Try to follow these tips to help you estimate your car against the heat this summer :

Battery check

They tested the battery in a motor vehicle workshop certificate, especially if the battery is more than 3 years , it is evaluate heat stress. " A car dealership is equipment that say if it needs to be recharged or replaced ," says Ron Montoya , consumer advice editor for , an important place of consumption automobile. "If you check properly , have more time . " Trench winter wheels

Switch to summer or all-season tires now, if you need special winter tires to get through the cold months . Dry, warm soil particularly harmful for winter tires. So, make sure your tires are properly inflated , as summer weather causes increase air pressure. If the tires are properly inflated , will take longer and you will get better gas blade care mileage.Wiper

Your wipers need to make full contact with the windshield , especially in summer a surprise shower . If you have a year or more and not to do this , a new protection set.Paint

It is always advisable to wash and wax the car in early summer. Doing it in the shadows in order to protect and prevent outside watermarks.Emergency equipment

Summer essentials include a flashlight , flares , first aid kit , jumper cables , paper towels , Reininger , also a pitcher of water and basic tools such as wrenches , flat and Phillips screwdrivers , pliers and handles.

Monday 14 October 2013

10 Tips For Saving Fuel

Currently, almost all vehicle manufacturers to design products for efficient engines, with a rate of consumption are relatively cheap. A wide range of engine technology is developed and applied . But it is not the only aspect that makes his car with low fuel consumption. Your character with the guide is much more important , because most instrumental in saving the number of liters of fuel the car. Especially for those of you who have a car that is quite expensive. So what needs to be done to achieve efficient use of fuel ?

First Keep the engine speed, the average gasoline engines work best at 2500-3000 rpm engine speed at which the maximum torque . Make the shift to the right of the number , if it is too high, the fuel is wasted , and if too low , the motor torque , the engine will lose the effect on performance , so the character to take on the gas lose to increase the speed.
The most effective if you drove a constant speed to the highest speed level ( Top Gear ) .

Second Avoid " excessive acceleration and braking. , The principle is that if we put a brake is more engine power to restore to its original speed.
Therefore, the calculated conditions before you try and go as constant as possible.

3rd Keep the tire pressure. The tire pressure than less , will lead to an increase in car - barriers. And also reduce the life of the tires , make sure the pressure is in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations . Increases 2-3 psi, and when heavy loads or highway driving wear .

4th Use engine braking effect . Especially for self - injection is an efficient, if the brake. Because when the motor brakes the engine computer (ECU) will cut the flow of fuel into the engine .

5th Make sure the engine is very good condition. Test the issue or you can check the status of the vehicle in the workshop to learn about the perfection of combustion . , Improvements in engine and ignition , so that the combustion in the engine is optimal if necessary.

6th Make sure that the brake gap is correct when the distance between the disc and the brake pads ( brake) too tight or sticky brake, wheel rotation is inhibited, the symptom , the car feels a bit " cautious , and certainly increases the load of the vehicle.

7th Avoid traffic jams. When the vehicle stops fuel consumption is 0 km / liter, only to stop fuel burn . So the more you avoid bottlenecks that may be the cheapest fuel .

8th Get a precision pump. , Soak up as much as possible to the gas stations that has an accurate measurement.

9th Turn off the power supply if you do not need. The AC compressor is considerable weight of the engine , turn it off when you are driving in cold weather or at night.

10th Hold the button on the gas pedal . Always one step on the gas pedal gently . Tread is wasting too much fuel too low.

Hopefully this article on 10 tips to save fuel can be useful for you.

How to Properly Clean Car Windows

The cleaning of your car says a lot about the kind of person you are. People will see the car when on a date, when working or when you are shopping at . If you have a car with dirty windows and McDonalds wrappers all over the backseat of confusion , it is said that you're a slob and probably not worth dating . If you have a clean, neat and organized car, you say you are a person , clean, tidy and well organized. In other words, you are more in control of your life .

While most people take their car to a car wash , windows , particularly on the inside, are left dirty and messy . This will not only make your car look dirty, but also can reduce visibility and make your car unsafe . To help, this article gives some quick tips on how to clean car windows like a pro. So let's take a look at the best way to clean car windows.


To wash the windows of cars in the best possible way, a 100 percent cotton surgical towels, waffle microfiber towel and window cleaner such as Windex or Stoner Invisible Glass multi-task. Surgical best for cleaning windows because they are lint-free cloth. Waffle weave microfiber towels are more absorbent than conventional microfiber towels and also passionate about the glass.


  • Before washing your car windows with a clean cloth to remove adhesive residue, which could be blocked by old stickers or decals. If you found a glass by hard water, removing stains with two parts distilled white vinegar with one part water for the subtleties or pure vinegar for heavier stains. If there is damage to the glass hard water, you need glass glaze as P21S Multi-Surface Finish Restorer by. Instructions on the bottle.

  • You can start washing the windshield , the rear window , the side windows . Do not forget to clean the mirrors as well . Spray the cleaner on the glass , so sure to cover the entire window . Do not spray so much cleaner , where the glass begins . Immediately after spraying the glass , wipe off the cleaner with a clean cloth operation with a circular motion. You can rub a little more if you need to remove stains or dirt. You can also spray a little " more glass cleaner if necessary. Buff widows dry with a clean waffle weave microfiber cloth. Forget not , the brushes front and rear with a clean cloth moistened with alcohol to cut clean the grease and dirt . To the side glass the window blind about an inch to wash the upper part of the glass. Once cleaned and polished , roll the window up and clean the rest of the window , with a particular focus on a corner of the window.
  • Cleaning the inside of the windscreen and the inside of the rear window with the same process as the outer glass. It is best to clean the windshield while sitting in the passenger side because the steering wheel does not get in the way. The best way to clean the rear window, that window is the most difficult to clean, is to carry your towel with the back of your hand. Will be with the palms, because the angle of the glass difficult. If you have tinted, never scratch and destroy them with a mild detergent, just with water or with a polishing machine such as Plexus, which is safe to use tint film. Finally the car to walk for all the strips left on the glass to check. If you have any streaks, simply buff away with the waffle weave microfiber cloth.

How to Clean Dirty Or Foggy Car Headlights!

Have you ever wondered if the headlights back to their old, same shiny? Now I have the possible to orient by this simple step-by-step instructions.

Things What You'll Need

  • A car with dirty headlights 
  • A dry cloth 
  • A tube of toothpaste 
  • Water 
  • "Elbow Grease" 

  1. Apply a small amount of toothpaste directly onto a dry cloth.
  2. Start rubbing the cover of the headlight dirty covered with toothpaste section of the tissue. (It should be noted the onset of break dirt).
  3. Keep rub the toothpaste in small circular movements until the dirt is completely broken.
  4. Rinse the stain with water.
  5. Use a damp cloth to collect the remaining toothpaste.
  6. Dry surface of headlight. 
  7. Tada! Your headlights is now clean and shiny as ever!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Regularly Service Your Car To Keep It Maintained

If your car has a few years and a few hundred miles under his belt will not be as vigorous or as good as it once used to be . You need to take care of your car, at this point. You need to take your vehicle to a mechanic every two or three months , so that the vehicle properly serviced . The mechanic go over the engine and the various components of the car and fix what needs to be repaired. It changes the parts that must be replaced and fill the oil, coolant and other fluids that the car needs . There are some things that you can do yourself. If you have the necessary skills and know what you're doing simple things like changing the oil can then be done at home . If you are not good with mechanics , then you should leave the repairs to professionals as you might end up aggravating the problem if you are not careful.

If you car needs to be repaired , then you should look for a replacement for a good mechanic in your area. If you live in Sterling Heights, then you need a good Sterling Heights auto repair company to take care of your car and do what needs to be done to find . How much can a Sterling Heights auto repair company online. You should , before moving to examine the company's website them your vehicle. You can show your car to the mechanic and he will calculate and tell you how much it cost vehicle repairs . Before you repair your vehicle to make sure you to cover the cost of work on the finances .

If you live in Macomb Township, then you need to find a car repair company Macomb Township. The advantage of hiring someone locally is that you ask around about their reputation . You should know whether your insurance, repairs to the Macomb Township auto repair company that will cover you done selected . If you , so you do not have insurance on the vehicle to prepare. Get your car fixed costs a lot of money. You should choose your mechanic with care. Try a well established company that has a lot of experience fixing cars to find . You can find these companies online .

Are There Any Advantages To Using Synthetic Oil?

If you are thinking about, what is the best material to put in the car , then congratulations ! First of all, you have a car, which is good. Second, you have enough money to really worried about what you are in your car , rather than someone who does not really have enough money to be too picky about these things. Which is nice . Thus, for the real question : Is it better to the natural or synthetic oil in your car?

First, a brief digression on Which oil is actually . Auto oil, in this case, the oil used to lubricate the engine parts of an internal combustion engine cars. This promotes the smooth functioning of the engine and ensures that your car can scoot along smoothly. Therefore, depending on which lubricate the engine better best is probably what you want to achieve. But , surprise! This is not the only issue to consider . You should also take into account things like the length of a correct use, no residue, that these oils can , and take so on.

So what kind of oil should I use? Now , each of these respective advantages . For example, the oils from natural minerals are usually much cheaper than synthetic . This quality makes these oils are a better choice for the frugal among us. However, synthetic oils have the distinction , generally of better quality. For example, these oils can generally work more effectively than derived from natural minerals oils at high temperatures. In addition, these oils lend themselves to a higher power in these engines , for various reasons. However, synthetic oils have several disadvantages - for example , have a higher chance of breakage or damage to the plastic parts in the engine , and are much less for industrial purposes.

So, you should use which ? Well, usually when you order the " synthetic oil (and not in the industrial world ) have the money, then what kind is a good option . However, if you are a frugal person , then you might need to make the engine oil go regularly.

What Does the "Check Engine" Light Really Mean?

when most of the drivers see their check engine light comes on , it is usually quite the mystery. It is often the driver panic that something is seriously wrong with their vehicle. You have good reason to have a little " concerned because it can be serious problems going on in the car. A lot of times , this is not the case and it may be something simple. For this reason , many drivers ignore the check engine light .

What most drivers would like to know what exactly is the check engine light to tell them ? One of the ways you can figure it out is to take the vehicle to a mechanic that allows you to connect your car to a computer. This computer will tell you , the mechanic , the exact reason that the light is on, and then he or she can offer a solution to the driver. This is by far the simplest and easy but there are people who do not want to have to pay for it .

The other option that people have is to get a board diagnostic system. These systems must be mounted to the system in the vehicle below the dashboard . Every time the light is turned on, the unit will collect all the technical data. It can then be taken home and connected to a computer to download the data off the device. It is a site that included , if someone has a board diagnostic system is purchased. Translate this page to all of the data in a slightly confusing diagrams to understand and provide solutions to problems .

Nevertheless, an OBD system is not for everyone. It's always a bit of work and then set to connect it to a computer and so on . There are many people who would rather just take it to a mechanic . In both cases, both modes can usually find a solution to the problem. These are the only real ways to know what the check engine light is trying to warn the driver.

Top 5 Things to Consider When Buying a Car

Buying a car is a big investment - do your research! Here are the top 5 things that you should consider if you are looking to buy a car should be.

1. Gas Mileage

With today's economy it's important to consider your attention to the mpg (miles per gallon) of the vehicle. Think about how many miles you drive in a day and estimate how much gas will cost one week. The price of gas will probably continue to rise, so that you make sure that you can afford what the new car will probably cost you in petrol want.
2. Maintenance

If you are thinking of buying a new car, you should consider the cost of maintaining the vehicle. Thus, for example, some foreign cars costing much more for routine maintenance and the maintenance of a common American model. Consider, if you buy a vehicle fully loaded with all the bells and whistles, you have more to repair if something goes wrong. Some cars have an oil change and belt changes before others.
3. Affordability

When you buy a new car, make sure it is one that you can afford. Before you even go shopping, look at your budget and decide how much of a payment you can afford. There are online loan calculators to figure out your payment on a new car can. Stay away from the temptations outside of your household and shop wisely.
4. Meeting Your Needs

Make sure that when you buy a new vehicle that you buy a car that will meet your needs. If you have a large family, make sure that you buy something big enough to carry all. If you need to carry around objects, you may need a truck and a small car. If you are long distances every day, you want something more energy efficient.
5. Cost of Insurance

Before that buying a new car to make, you should first check with your insurance company and see how much coverage is on your car. You can vary drastically from a sports car, SUV, SUV for a family car. Many factors can increase prices.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Most Popular Car Color Is...

If someone asked me what I thought was the most desirable color on a car, I would say red. Is not it? It's fast. Energetic. To be associated with luxury cars and noticed to. But not all end with "Firestorm Red" or "Barcelona Red Metallic" on their trip? No, and that's why it's not the most popular.

Instead, many car buyers to settle for something more modest, and saves up to (or better
only dream of) their ideal vehicle.What is the color of the car owners modest of choice? White.
That's right, white. The color that is free of color!

Car paint manufacturer PPG conducted a study and found that the most popular color was white , with 21% of car buyer opting for them. Black came in second with 19% and silver was third with 16%. The study in 2004 wasalso performed , with similar results. In other words, there is no love for cars outside quirkyyellow or green (green is one of the least popular colors - only 1 in 50 people are likely to have a green car !)
Perhaps the most important reason for the popularity of black and white is the fact did the average car buyer does not Careas not much color priority is important for buyers sports cars , SUVs and luxury vehicles considered upscale .

The interesting thing about this study? After PPG representative Jane E. Harrington, " color one of the first features in the design of the product is seen, and is increasingly used in everyday objects , from cell phones to large equipment , largely on automotive trends. "

In other words, when the auto industry faced with the fashion world, is practically in New York City to observe and create color trends of consumer products !

So ... What color is your car?

Tuesday 8 October 2013

5 Top Tips For Summer Driving

Summer is officially here, which means that more people are dusting off their
Cars as they prepare for the summer , cross - country road trip adventure and other
Summer beach trips and activities. To make things run a little more smoothly,
Below are some quick tips .

Vehicle Heat

Vehicles heat up quickly during the warmer weather months . Of particular interest here are small children and pets. Never leave a child in a carunattended . Even with the windows rolled down , external temperatures can still cause a car to warm in the 80-90 degree mark . If you have a pet, consider as you make it at home your trip or hire someone pet sit when you are away for an extended period.

Automotive Fluids

During the summer of vehicles can have a tendency to overheat . Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of your vehicle filled liquids are turned off. From oil to your Reininger , gear oil, etc. - you want to bring your vehicle to a mechanic to ensure that everything is as it should be. Especially if you are prepping for a big road trip out of town , bring your vehicle to a professional. The last thing you need is your car break down in the middle of nowhere !

Commercial Vehicle Tires

Check your tires regularly for signs of wear . You do not want problems with the tires on while on the road. For example, under inflated tires contribute blowouts , which could be dangerous if you are traveling at high speed in heavy traffic . Wrong tire pressure can also be a number of other issues ,
of difficulties Stop your vehicle to difficulties navigating roads when it rains ( aquaplaning ) .

Car Emergency Kits

Every car should have a pre-packaged emergency kit in it . This is something you need you do for yourself. Bandaids / bandages , gauze , a flashlight , flares , extra batteries, a paper card, non-perishable snacks , water, an extra set of clothes and anything extra that you can imagine : Your kit should have the following items . You also want to make sure that you make sure that (a) you have a spare tire and (b ) to verify that it works properly !

Vehicle Blind Spots

Each vehicle has a blind spot . In the summer there are more people and children who are traveling because of school and holiday. Therefore need not rely only on your side and rear view mirror. Always make it a point to turn around and look over your shoulder when backing up . Place the phone and completely aware of your surroundings. This awareness will help you to react quickly , should a stray animal , child or adult suddenly find themselves in your path.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Tips For Inspection And Replacement Of The Vehicle Water Pump

The water pump drive is an important component of the climate system of the vehicle, in the press refrigerant. It is run by a belt in the front of the machine or by the timing belt. Moves to coolant through the engine and the radiator, to extract the excess heat generated by the motor. The engine should be hot and self destruct if the heat were not taken.

If you need to avoid problems with the engine, it is advisable to stay in a good shape. Therefore, it is possible to examine routine. There are many steps you can take. For example, you can listen to the engine when it is running. There will be some tones when the bearings can be harmful to them.

You can remove the belt that feeds the water pump . Shake the water pump pulley from part to part . As the shaft moves a lot , the pump bearings are destroyed a crucial illustration. You can also check with your eyes. Take the flashlight to see the outside of it . Search for wetlands at the pump and signs of leakage .

A water pump failure causes many problems for some other elements of the engine . Can result in some problems in the air conditioner , such as a thermostat faltering , cooler or head gaskets . You can begin to leak coolant, or for producing a rumble as his camp to begin damage. Moreover , those who lose to cause trouble for the drive belt and sales. Achieved by it's very imperative to displace .

The replacement may be a little " only if it be run from a belt or toothed belt. However, there is some indication of the conditions are met. , If you are changing the water pump drive belt must be removed if they have no symptoms of damage. Moreover, the cooling and in particular all types should be investigated by cooling water tubes .

Improving Petrol/Gas Mileage - Three Simple Tips

If you are looking for ways to improve the gasoline / petrol consumption of your car for better fuel efficiency , look for here are three simple tips that you can use immediately to reduce the ever-increasing cost of motoring . If you incorporate these tips immediately reduces the amount of fuel used while driving to work and socially , while the car. Also keep hidden benefits that are associated with the environment in which it reduces fuel consumption. So we look to see how we achieve this goal.

Tip # 1 Tune In The Engine.

Keep the engine in very good condition . A properly maintained and engine tuning will give you the best results to get the maximum amount of miles per gallon. Will it run cleaner and more efficient in the long run a much lower fuel consumption.

An engine tune out that the fuel is consumed drink literally , especially when it is difficult to start . The amount of gas / petrol or diesel is wasted trying to find a motor you hesitate could carry for miles on the open road , so it is useful to start eliminating this problem as soon as possible.

Tip # 2 A Bright Spark.

You can set such things as candles and aftermarket plug ignition leads to a gasoline engine that , in the assembled state, the quality of the spark that makes the entire ignition system efficiency will increase .

There is a mini - explosion take place in a conventional combustion engine , each time the cylinder fires , so that any increase in the quality of the spark of " affect efficiency to trigger the fuel / air mixture . This allows the engine more on openings slow , so you move less gas to the vehicle along the engine makes more economical then goes back more miles per gallon must accordingly.

Tip # 3 Check The Tires.

Keep your tires in good condition with the pressure and the right balance and this ensures that the rolling resistance is minimized help you get more miles per gallon. Under-inflated tires mean more surface area on the road that have been designed for the results of more than resistance, which requires a lot of effort and energy to move the vehicle along .

With the implementation of these proposals in his daily commute to work , end up paying for them for a certain period . The fuel cost you money anyway , so you might as well invest in them now and enjoy the benefits of a smoother operation of the engine and a car cheaper.

Used Car Parts Vs New Car Parts

In this difficult economic climate, it is always tempting to ignore the strange noise the car makes. Does it need some auto parts that expensive or hard to find or expensive? This is not always the case and , during the acquisition of parts can be expensive, there are cases in which it is possible to use a part of or recycled in part.

Before Buying Used Parts For Your Car Here Are Some Simple Tips To Follow :

- To know the car part you need: There is nothing worse then order a car and a part does not fit. Take the " auto part with you to the store. Do not be surprised if there were to be special order.
- Do not be afraid to look like a beginner , those who buy and sell used parts beginners face every day. Do not be afraid to ask questions about the car you are asking of the order.
- If you are having trouble finding the car you need not be afraid to go to a local swap meet , saboteurs or online research. Note, however, that if the purchase of second-hand part is not always reimbursed.

The next question you should ask yourself when it comes to car parts is that auto parts OK to be reused and should be bought back. Here is a simple guide for you to follow :

To Use What Are OK If in Good Condition

These items should be checked for wear before reuse. Airbox , body parts , body parts, bumpers , carburetors ( for reconstruction ) , lighter, liquid cooling , fan , belt drive, lock actuators , heat shields : If you are in doubt , have it inspected by a professional exhaust manifold, exhaust manifold , exhaust pipes, gas cap , gas grill , wheel covers , intake manifold , interior trim , jack , nuts , oil pan , electric windows , engine , pulleys , mirrors, seats, steering wheel , stereo , sunroof motor , turn tail lights , throttle , tie rods , signal lenses - , vacuum lines , empty tank , valve covers, wheels , window glass, window washer , wiper arm.

What Can Be Withdrawn, And Usually Refused

Another possibility for the exchange of car parts to buy reconditioned parts. Here is a list of some parts that are obsolete usually OK once : a compressor / A / C condenser , ABS, CPU , sensors , alternator, axle shafts , brake drums , camshafts, clutch pump , coil packs fan cooling - electrical , CPU, constant velocity joints , cylinder heads , gauges dashboard, engine block , engine mounts , flywheel , control of fuel injection , fuel injector , fuel pump , intercooler , pump, oil cooler , pipes , oil pump , pistons, central locking , power steering pump , power window switch , pressure plate , radiator , rim spare wheel, rack and pinion steering , sunroof cables, springs , timing chain , gears, turbochargers

That Should Never Be Used Again

The following is a list of the auto parts that can not be reused : airbag, air filter, air bag sensors , ball joints, batteries , bearings, brake discs / rotors , brake light switch , brake pads , brake shoes, catalyst , hard clutch , fan switch , cylinder liners , distributor cap , distributor cap , engine mounts , fuel lines , fuses, gaskets , head bolts, headlight , ignition coil, ignition condenser , ignition , MAF , exhaust, supports muffler and oil filter , oil pressure sensors , switches, piston rings , radiator hoses , rotors , bushings gearbox , shock absorbers, ignition lead , spark plugs, strut mount , strut inserts , thermostat, timing belt , timing chain , tires, valves , voltage regulator, water pump, water pump , wheel bearings , wheel cylinders .