Sunday 27 October 2013

35 Million Deaths Per Year! Cocaine? Cigarettes? Drugs? No, White Sugar!

Refined sugar is one of the main accused the appearance of persons who are defined as diseases of affluence: diabetes, obesity, problems with metabolism, high blood pressure and liver damage. According to recent studies refined sugar would be considered among the causes into consideration that each year the deaths of 35 million people, particularly in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Use and abuse of harmful food and consumer goods in our diet
The presence of sugar is 14% in the drum 17:20% in sugar beet and chlorophyll, trace elements and minerals. At this concentration and composition, sugar is a food of high nutritional value because it contains many nutrients in organic form necessary for life.

The food that we eat, as modified by sweets, candy, commercial beverages, canned food, alcohol, salt, etc., is the end product of a long industrial processing (about 9 washes chemicals!) What kills and removes many nutrients, such as vitamins actually in sugar beet or sugar cane.

Sugar are important foods in our diet, because it requires the most important source for the production of energy through the body and are, therefore, must be complete with everything nature intended for them to get into our bodies, their wealth.

Why white sugar, it is a harmful substance ?
The scientist Dr. M.O. Bruchner , a specialist in internal medicine, hospital director Eben Ezer , LemgoLippe , ( Germany ) , according to several scientific claims that man needs carbohydrates " sugar " for his work as important as energy factors . As a result you think sugar is one of the best foods for energy , together with other sugars derived from white flour, such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Industrial sugar and white flour as well as glucose, fructose , aspartame , sucrose synthesis, for example , act very differently in the body.
For their decomposition and disposal require the same vitamins , minerals and enzymes , like all natural fruit sugar and starch , but the latter at the same time them , while the other body ( to steal towards fish in the bones, cartilage , tendons, structures , etc ..) . Impoverishment of a page and other confusing features . Unfortunately , science has always wanted to see through this problem, which is the basis for many an inflammatory autoimmune diseases.
Where is the sugar destroyed , is the drug that repair the effects of the treatment of diabetes, cholesterol , pancreatitis , hyperglycemia, and tries so on. The usual consumption of white sugar destroys most of the vitamins of group B. Vitamin B1 , on the other hand is responsible for the absorption of carbohydrates .
vitamin B
The more sugar is introduced , the greater the requirement of vitamin B1, since it removes what :
Injuries to nerve tissue , given the high demand for vitamin B1, they lose their ability to work very early.
Vitamin B1 allowed , in the presence of magnesium, which is so important lactic acid decomposition ( degradation product of glycogen [ stored glucose ] ) . When the deficiency of vitamin B1 content of these acids in the blood and increased tissue and the brain mainly involved l'' activity and heart rate.
The B1 regulates the fair exchange of insulin in the body. Its deficiency is a cause of diabetes.
( Remember that the phosphorus is a very important mineral for many metabolic processes ) the absence of B1, also a change in the phosphorous economy and an inadequate reaction of glucose that occurs with chronic heart disease.
The B1 , controls the exchange of albumin ( plasma protein produced by the liver , such that regulates cell fluid and the various pressures within the cell) and cell nuclei. Its presence reduces the precursors of uric acid prevents degenerative diseases such as gout , arthritis , etc..
The absence of B1 due to abnormalities in blood pressure, and perspiration.
, The power to stop the ' arteriosclerosis - B1 for the synthesis of essential fatty acids (omega 6, the famous Omega 3 ) is required.
The B1 deficiency causes abnormalities in the formation of hydrochloric acid (produced for digestion ) in the stomach, weakness and degeneration of the intestinal muscles and also the degeneration of the capillary blood vessels, causing the expansion and bleeding.
The lack of B1 makes you feel the need for stimulants like alcohol, meat, coffee , tea, chocolate , tobacco, since it determines the weakening of the stimulating effect of adrenaline.
These are caused by a lack of vitamin B1, only the most serious effects .
Often deficiency states, such as metabolic problems associated with the decline in immune function , nutritionist, integrated power supply with vitamins of the "B" group , but not recommend the patient to " abolish " white sugar and limit the " use of white flour , as I said the obese continue to eat as usual, but with the exception of putting saccharin in coffee or recommend the ' aspirinetta or other "as the carotid Doppler " for heart disease that eats large amounts of food every day and maybe die!
But there's more ... The lack of vitamin "B" due to disturbances in the assimilation of sugar , seizures, and also prevents the formation of red blood cells , such as iron compounds occur abuse. The eyes are color blind and lose the visual power in the twilight, the normal development of the fetus is often hampered , leading to deformities, shortened long bones of the arms and legs , jaw, fusion of fingers and ribs , cracks in the palate and even miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths .
We consider what it can still sugar destroyer promote nicotinic acid , another member of the group of B vitamins helps oxidation , ie combustion and decomposition of the intermediates of sugar metabolism . It is also an aid in the use of fat and protein in the processing of minerals and hormones, and participate in a decisive way on the cellular respiration , namely the exchange of oxygen uptake and excretion of carbonic acid in the cells (a product of cellular metabolism ) .
Fatigue, insomnia, neurasthenia , depression, headaches , insomnia, sweating slightly , cramps and numbness in the extremities , weakness : Even as harmful to the " habitual use of white sugar to various pathological stories added below are muscle , anorexia or bulimia ( insatiable appetite ) , constipation , gastric and intestinal atony , lack of stomach acid , heartburn , dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) , metrorrhagia ( bleeding of uterine origin), miscarriages and premature births, disorders of the heart and circulation , anemia , glandular dysfunction , itching , inflammation of the tongue, gums and throat . etc. .
Refined sugar robs us of pantothenic acid also part of the group "B"

His absence also blocks the " effect of other vitamins and hinders the proper regeneration of the blood and mucous pantothenic acid also acts as a liver - . Tonic (liver protection ) and helps the thyroid function Burning in the feet and soles of the feet , with pains passengers lightning. lower extremities, in conjunction with redness or bluish skin color, and the formation of dandruff are other symptoms of deficiency of this vitamin. Refined sugar can be used to treat other important vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin e, H, together with others to steal damage caused by these defects.

How to produce white sugar ?
Less than two centuries of white sugar do not exist and the only source of fresh , local honey and fruit , was from raw cane sugar imported from the tropics represented. As a result of the Napoleonic Wars , Europe has ceased to import sugar from America. Napoleon then had the brilliant idea of ​​making sugar from sugar beets. As a product of the extraction unpleasant in taste , the work has a refining process , which, as for white flour, causing the loss of vitamins and minerals , creating a pure chemical substance and dead, but do not complete.
The sugary juice from the first stage of the processing of sugar beets , sugar cane is subjected to complex industrial change : the first is to be cleaned with lime water that causes the loss and destruction of organic matter , proteins, enzymes and salts of calcium, and then , to remove the lime, which has remained on the sugar juice is treated with carbon dioxide.
The product is then subjected to treatment with the more " toxic sulphurous acid to remove the dark color, and then for cooking , cooling , crystallization, and centrifuged. Which brings us to the raw sugar .
From here it goes to the second stage of processing move : sugar is filtered and decolorized with animal charcoal and then to eliminate the last yellowish reflections , is colored with the dye or ultramarine blue with blue idantrene ( from tar and carcinogens ) . The final product is a white crystalline substance that has nothing to do with the rich sugary juice out and sold to the public to sweeten (poison) , much of what we eat.
What is the first dark juice rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace elements, which would give all their positive contribution , energy and health left? Nothing ! In fact, to be digested and assimilated , white sugar steals ( especially calcium and chromium ) to reconstruct at least partially destroyed our bodies vitamins and minerals the harmony of the elements by refining . The consequences of this digestion are the loss of calcium in the bones and teeth, with the weakening of the skeleton and teeth. This promotes the development of bone diseases (arthritis , osteoarthritis , osteoporosis, etc.). Caries and the plague much of the western civilization.
What causes white sugar toxic in the gut ?
At the level of the stomach and duodenum of the pancreas, the daily or almost for the study to finish : Fermentation with gas production and abdominal tension and alteration of the bacterial flora with all the consequences this entails ( colitis, constipation, diarrhea, training and absorption of toxic substances , etc.). .
How do I say? Simple , ask the people to confirm receiving treatment for their food to my style and light that I adopt healthy "sugar" ! So this product is so necessary for good health ?
It has been widely acknowledged that the population not reached by the so-called " white civilization " is not subject to decay or other diseases of the teeth. With the arrival of the whites and their refined foods (sugar, sweets, alcohol , bread, pasta , ...) , the Aborigines in Australia, the Maori of New Zealand, the Indians of Peru and the Amazon, the North American Indians , etc. . have also begun to be subject to the same diseases of the whites , the incidence of dental caries, a disease that was previously completely unknown , they have to hit you up to 100%, as well as other diseases of the body caused by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases , etc etc ..
The dangerous white sugar has a major impact both on the nervous system, both on the metabolism , which first stimulation then depression. In fact , it creates a true form of addiction , as is the case with drugs, to all effects ! This is caused by the fast absorption and severe blood sugar , which is the so-called blood sugar. Faced with this sudden rise , the pancreas responds ( the organ par excellence, the sugar managed) by entering insulin in the blood , and this leads to a sudden drop in blood sugar as "hypo " of a state of discomfort thereby known , sweating, irritability, aggression , weakness need to eat to get back in tone ( the classic was down to warn the addict ) feel . The consequence of this is the case of the sugars into the blood stream of other hormones from the housing acts to compensate for the glucose .
This constant " stress hormone " , with their psycho-physical aspects to a depletion of energy lead to the weakening of the whole organism and the exhaustion of the immune system .
If we eat 50 grams . of white sugar, the phagocytic ability of white blood cells by 76 % (ie, the ability of these organisms to fight infection ) reduced and that the reduction of the immune system takes about 7 hours. The main diseases that mankind today (cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune diseases , etc.). Plagues you passing a weakened immune system , such as white sugar and refined power are certainly responsible for the most. Is the loss of the "poison delicious" knows many others, and at every level, for example , circulation ( with the increase of cholesterol and damage to the arteries ), liver , bowel , weight ( with weight gain and obesity ) , skin etc. . etc. . Suppose , for example , to drink four cups of coffee a day sweetened : 40 g sugar 160 kcal match that we assume as empty calories, devoid of vitamins and minerals. It would be very different if the same 160 kcal form brown rice oat, barley , millet, or if the result would be fiber , enzymes, vitamins and salts are included. When this first hit 40 g of sucrose or add cookies or brioche jam or cereal for breakfast, a glass of a carbonated drink for lunch , a snack or an ice cream or a chocolate croissant in the afternoon, you're done. But do not forget the sauces (ketchup , mayonnaise, cocktail ... ) , canned food (peas , corn ) , aperitifs : hidden and sucrose. If we add to all this sugar, do not overdo it, we go up to 500 calories. This means that of the approximately 2,000 kcal per day , we have to introduce in 1500 represented only by real food , the rest are empty calories , with a shortage of about 25 % of the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.
The modern man , in front of the sugar, but also for fat, takes an attitude almost identical to that of prehistoric man . In ancient times , lived a man constantly in search of food to feed themselves and to find ripe fruit or a honeycomb body was not to be missed to be seen as an opportunity : the face of such delicacies attitude was to make the most , eat his face to gather more energy as possible , in anticipation of lean times . The spirit and the body of a man of twenty-first century do not have much and, filled cakes, changed pastry with cream and chocolate cake we think and behave in exactly the same way : there is in us a burning desire , the birth drives us great bouts in an attempt to make us of shares, as if not to be forgotten in a different time , and never that our pantry is full of the same shit. For those who have eyes to see , ears to hear , and a brain that have to work, this should be enough to make it to reconsider its habits " sweeteners " and their solutions for a better life.

Alternatives to refined sugar : molasses , agave syrup , maple syrup , barley malt, the amasake the Stenia , honey, brown sugar and refined drive.

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