Wednesday 30 October 2013

8 Tips for Search Engine Optimization (SEO ) Starter

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the art of making blog pages more easily found by search engines. When you create content for the blog post , you must at least know the basics of Google. Otherwise, your item may not be found by the most popular search engine in the world.
Most people know that Google is the most popular to date . Search engines like Google use various methods to determine the first page displayed in the search results . The exact formula is a secret , but there are some things you can do to improve the position of the blog page . The term is often called Search Engine Optimization ( SEO). These tips may not be your first blog appears in the search list, but at least it can help your blog rank slowly . Ignore spam and websites that offer to submit your blog to hundreds of search engines. Maybe it's a waste of time and money , and at worst , in fact, the positioning of the blog may be a negative influence .

1. Key phrases , rather than relying on a word , try a few words about keyword phrases to make . You might want to read on a Google search to see how effective key phrases to help in the search. If you 're a blog on finding what key phrases you enter in Google for each page ? In search of a super beautiful widget? Are you looking to improve your blog with a widget ? It may be helpful to have a different perspective . Ask someone to read the page and indicate what they think blogging page key phrases as possible. You can also see Google Trends if one of the following statements is starting to gain popularity . Try to keep one topic per page , and stick to a keyword phrase for each page. That does not mean you have to write the text with a weird stare or phrase . Write with a clear , both are easy to find and easy to read.

2. Keyword Density One of the things I find a catalog of blog sites is to use keyword density or so-called keyword density. In other words, how often keywords appear in each paragraph use . Use natural phrases. Do not try to make the search engines by repeating the same word over and over again or cheat text "invisible". It does not work. In fact, your blog can actually get a penalty from Google. Enter a strong opening point . Use the keyword density to stimulate in the first paragraph of Google. In other words, it is very easy for Google to find your content when you put your keyword density in the first 200 words of the first 200 words or more than the content of your blog can dikatan google is very hard to find and see their content in the search results or even Google is not looking . You can change the density of keywords with the Google Toolbar or a similar instrument .

3. Article Title Lock your blog a name descriptive <title> . This is very important , Google displays search results as the link to use the title of the blog page . A link labeled "Untitled" is not very interesting , and no one will click on it . If necessary , use the keyword phrase in the page title .

4. Links One of the biggest factors for Google to page view is a hyperlink. I see two links . Onto your blog and blog Google looks at the words used in the link to determine the content of the blog page . Use the links on the blog page as a way to emphasize key words. Instead of saying "Click here to learn more about SEO " , then it would be better if you say : If you want to learn more about SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) . The links from blogs and other sites on your blog used to determine the PageRank . You can download the Google Toolbar , SeoQuake , etc. to check the pagerank of your blog today . You and your friends can increase your PageRank by exchanging links blogs or other relevant websites . Banner Exchange ineffective . You can also use the PageRank to your blog appear in the directory criticism. In other words , check the PageRank of the homepage of the directory.

5. Blog Directory Submit your blog to directories or in a special open directories submit , if possible. Google believes that this is an important link directory . However, if successful, will not be very happy. Google, in an effort to combat click fraud , which often filter out websites from link farms or sites with nothing but links to other websites connected . This is one reason why a free service to register your blog could even bother. Directory registration and specialized organizations. You are more likely to help and do not adversely affect the ranking of your blog.

6. Social networking sites Social networking can be a good way to promote the site , but not all of them directly affect the ranking of your blog . Digg and Delicious is a social site that connects to the opportunity to work with the best effect.

7. Keep the contents of the flash
You can lose the flash, but the search engines tend to enjoy reading . Google has acquired read a certain ability to flash , but still limited. If you are in the flash menu , perhaps not even visible. Consider a link with text that is used in addition to or instead of flash. Do not forget to give a picture on your blog with the name <alt> . Not only the blog more accessible than poor eyesight , but is also a blog for another chance to enter the keywords that Google can see it.

8. Design of the excessive luxury design is ultimately stronger for larger trust, but you should consider. Organized is a page that Google tends to rank higher . Also pages to be more popular , which means that Google tend much higher degree . Keep a luxurious design and a lot of SEO experts will develop.

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