Sunday 27 October 2013

The Secret of the DNA in an Ancient Minoan Disk

After decades of attempts by archaeologists and scientists , the Phaistos disc finally has its own decoder.

The young researcher Barbara Gagliano , author of the book: " The Phaistos Disc: Key genetic diseases," tells the extraordinary adventure through the work of decoding a precious relic of Minoan origin lived .

To understand the significance of the Phaistos Disc and its mysterious knowledge - says Barbara - we need to delve into the human genome and to try to understand how our DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid ( ie DNA) is formed by two nucleotides , two strings / filaments. In our Phaistos disc , the two strands of a displayed on each page. These two nucleotides in a spiral shape are the material representation of the forces of yin and yang, the masculine and the feminine, which move in opposite polarities . Our ancestors , as if they had used a large magnifying glass , they have photographed the process of meiosis , in which the time of conception , combine the " Information maternal origin and a paternal origin of giving birth to a new creature : A - side of the disc contains the information , maternal, paternal B of the information.

Chromosome to chromosome , our ancestors have passed the secret of life , as we describe the fit of the genes are from the time the two genomic information come together and begin to form the embryo. The code is contained in the record , 23 chromosomes on one side and 23 on the other side . Indeed , the code benefits from 30 genomic fragments that " information describing performed by the father and mother of 31 from this information using the biblical texts and Hebrew , the author was able to understand that the genetic material is greater than in men : This information is in the myth of the rib of Adam and Eve were hidden when we observe in the . indeed , the X and Y chromosomes notice to ' that Adam was a " rib " in the least did ! Our ancestors knew very the secret that lies behind the descent of the spirit in the material world and wanted to pass on this information .

Cytogenetics, representations of human chromosome

In the representation of the disc is not all chromosomes with a code fragment ( fragment to mean enclosed within two temples the icons ) is displayed : many chromosomes are represented by two or more pieces . When this happens, our ancestors are trying to tell us that the chromosome is fragile and can break at this place , when this happens, we will be ourselves in the presence of a "cancellation" , ie the chromosome is broken and the genetic spread of genetic material give birth abnormalities. Our ancestors clearly show where loci it is possible that the deletion occurs and explain what are the diseases that can be caused by the dispersion of this genetic material. Another important thing to understand in order to understand the code , the so-called phenomenon of " crossing over " during the process of meiosis , the chromosomes come together and have the ability to exchange genetic material . If this happens, you will give birth , probably with a genetic disease . This is also explained in the disk : when a chromosome is the symbol that you understand that this is in the chromosome , it has the ability to exchange genetic material with other people, or we can also interpret it as a chance to chromosome " inversion ": The basically , chromosome has a chance to reverse their course !

More and more I delve into the code was surprised and shocked - yet told Barbara - as our ancestors were able to accurately represent genes , cellular particles and molecules.

Thanks to the extraordinary coded message , Barbara was able to genetic diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Down syndrome, achondrogenesis , chronic myeloid leukemia, Burkitt's lymphoma , Autism, Tay- Sachs, and study many other genetic diseases in a brand new light that has nothing to do with the scientific approach used by people of our time.

It 'possible in 2012, that our first parents wanted to happen to understand his message as the year of spiritual awakening of humanity ? It ' possible that by decoding these results one can actually prove that a civilization more advanced than our already existed or visited our planet in ancient times ?

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