Tuesday 8 October 2013

5 Top Tips For Summer Driving

Summer is officially here, which means that more people are dusting off their
Cars as they prepare for the summer , cross - country road trip adventure and other
Summer beach trips and activities. To make things run a little more smoothly,
Below are some quick tips .

Vehicle Heat

Vehicles heat up quickly during the warmer weather months . Of particular interest here are small children and pets. Never leave a child in a carunattended . Even with the windows rolled down , external temperatures can still cause a car to warm in the 80-90 degree mark . If you have a pet, consider as you make it at home your trip or hire someone pet sit when you are away for an extended period.

Automotive Fluids

During the summer of vehicles can have a tendency to overheat . Therefore, it is important to ensure that all of your vehicle filled liquids are turned off. From oil to your Reininger , gear oil, etc. - you want to bring your vehicle to a mechanic to ensure that everything is as it should be. Especially if you are prepping for a big road trip out of town , bring your vehicle to a professional. The last thing you need is your car break down in the middle of nowhere !

Commercial Vehicle Tires

Check your tires regularly for signs of wear . You do not want problems with the tires on while on the road. For example, under inflated tires contribute blowouts , which could be dangerous if you are traveling at high speed in heavy traffic . Wrong tire pressure can also be a number of other issues ,
of difficulties Stop your vehicle to difficulties navigating roads when it rains ( aquaplaning ) .

Car Emergency Kits

Every car should have a pre-packaged emergency kit in it . This is something you need you do for yourself. Bandaids / bandages , gauze , a flashlight , flares , extra batteries, a paper card, non-perishable snacks , water, an extra set of clothes and anything extra that you can imagine : Your kit should have the following items . You also want to make sure that you make sure that (a) you have a spare tire and (b ) to verify that it works properly !

Vehicle Blind Spots

Each vehicle has a blind spot . In the summer there are more people and children who are traveling because of school and holiday. Therefore need not rely only on your side and rear view mirror. Always make it a point to turn around and look over your shoulder when backing up . Place the phone and completely aware of your surroundings. This awareness will help you to react quickly , should a stray animal , child or adult suddenly find themselves in your path.

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