Monday 14 October 2013

10 Tips For Saving Fuel

Currently, almost all vehicle manufacturers to design products for efficient engines, with a rate of consumption are relatively cheap. A wide range of engine technology is developed and applied . But it is not the only aspect that makes his car with low fuel consumption. Your character with the guide is much more important , because most instrumental in saving the number of liters of fuel the car. Especially for those of you who have a car that is quite expensive. So what needs to be done to achieve efficient use of fuel ?

First Keep the engine speed, the average gasoline engines work best at 2500-3000 rpm engine speed at which the maximum torque . Make the shift to the right of the number , if it is too high, the fuel is wasted , and if too low , the motor torque , the engine will lose the effect on performance , so the character to take on the gas lose to increase the speed.
The most effective if you drove a constant speed to the highest speed level ( Top Gear ) .

Second Avoid " excessive acceleration and braking. , The principle is that if we put a brake is more engine power to restore to its original speed.
Therefore, the calculated conditions before you try and go as constant as possible.

3rd Keep the tire pressure. The tire pressure than less , will lead to an increase in car - barriers. And also reduce the life of the tires , make sure the pressure is in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations . Increases 2-3 psi, and when heavy loads or highway driving wear .

4th Use engine braking effect . Especially for self - injection is an efficient, if the brake. Because when the motor brakes the engine computer (ECU) will cut the flow of fuel into the engine .

5th Make sure the engine is very good condition. Test the issue or you can check the status of the vehicle in the workshop to learn about the perfection of combustion . , Improvements in engine and ignition , so that the combustion in the engine is optimal if necessary.

6th Make sure that the brake gap is correct when the distance between the disc and the brake pads ( brake) too tight or sticky brake, wheel rotation is inhibited, the symptom , the car feels a bit " cautious , and certainly increases the load of the vehicle.

7th Avoid traffic jams. When the vehicle stops fuel consumption is 0 km / liter, only to stop fuel burn . So the more you avoid bottlenecks that may be the cheapest fuel .

8th Get a precision pump. , Soak up as much as possible to the gas stations that has an accurate measurement.

9th Turn off the power supply if you do not need. The AC compressor is considerable weight of the engine , turn it off when you are driving in cold weather or at night.

10th Hold the button on the gas pedal . Always one step on the gas pedal gently . Tread is wasting too much fuel too low.

Hopefully this article on 10 tips to save fuel can be useful for you.

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